Push Bars Compton, CA – Town Center Locksmith Shop


Emergency exists were introduced to modern society when fires gutted many buildings with people still trapped in it. Emergency exits allowed people to escape buildings faster and saved a lot of lives over the years. Many governments around the world – including our own – now make it mandatory for commercial buildings to have an emergency exit. The locks installed specially on them are known as push bars. If you own a commercial property in Compton, CA and need a push bar lock installed, you can contact Town Center Locksmith Shop. We can install one for you in no time at all.

How do push bars work?Town Center Locksmith Shop Compton, CA 310-955-1722

A push bar is a special lock that can unlock quickly when pressure is applied to it. It consists of a spring-loaded mechanism that automatically pushes the door open when triggered.

Why do you need push bars?

During emergency situations, people don’t have time to search around for keys to get a lock open. People tend not to be in their right mind either – they mostly want to exit the building as fast as possible, and won’t hesitate to push against people in front of them in panic to get out. A push bar allows people to get the door open quickly – and instinctively – just by a push.

It would be easier if we could have no locks or even doors on emergency exits, of course – but then that would leave your property open to thieves and vandals.

How secure are push bars against break-ins?

Push bars are very secure, if installed correctly by professionals. The mechanism can only be triggered from one side. This means that emergency exits with a push bar lock will only ever be opened from within, and trying to get them open from outside won’t work.  In fact, push bars were invented just for situations where doors needed to easily unlock from one side but secure from the other.

Our service availability:

If you want a push bar lock installed – as you are required to by law – you can call us. We are available to install push bars 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You just have to call us and we’ll send an expert team over to your location within 30 minutes. We will then inspect your doors, agree upon a budget, and begin working as soon as you need us to.Do you need new push bars installed quickly on your emergency exit in your building? Call us now on 310-955-1722!